Fashion & Goods
Kimono dyed with tea dust generated from making tea at tea factories

Ochazome Washizu
Ochazome Washizu is dying cloth, wood, etc. with tea dust generated from making tea at tea factories.

静岡市 製茶工場 機械の上に溜まった茶埃(2018年11月)

Ochazome Washizu (August 2018)
Tanmono dyed with tea dust generated from making tea at tea factories

Kimono dyed with tea dust
Tea dyeing and Antibacterial test
The report of testing antibacterial activity of the cloth dyed with tea dust shows the effect of antibacterial activity.
*一般社団法人ニッセンケン品質評価センターで抗菌性試験(試験方法:JIS L1902:2015 菌液吸収法(定量試験)、測定方法:混釈平板培養方法、試験禁:黄色ぶどう球菌、試験試料の処理:オートクレーブ滅菌を実施)。
Related article on the site:「Two‐piece dress dyed with tea dust」
京都紋章工芸協同組合 平安紋鑑 赤々舎
お茶染め Washizu