History of Tea
History of tea in China 1 “Yandi Shennong (炎帝神農) mythology”
The origin of tea, “Yandi Shennong (炎帝神農) mythology”
According to Chinese legend, Shennong, one of The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, discovered tea around 2780 BC. Shennong is known as the Divine Farmer.
The legend says that Shennong, the god of Medicine and agriculture, tasted hundreds of herbs to test their medical value. Some of the herbs were poisonous. It is said that Shennong suffered from poisoning and drank tea to neutralize the poison.
Tradition says that Shennong wrote a book “神农食经 Shennong Shijing” and mentioned 荼茗久服,令人有力,悦志 (Taking tea for a long period, it makes you strong and happy). Unfortunately, the book does not survive today.
In the 6 century, “神农本草经 Shennong Bencaojing” (Shennong’s Herbal Classics) was compiled as a book of the foundation of Chinese traditional medicine.
For this reason, Shennong is called the founder of medicine and tea.
A wooden statue of Shennong at Sukunahikona Shrine (December 2017)
Doshu Town, Osaka City is a medicinal drug wholesaler street. In Doshu Town, there is Sukunahikona Shrine which worships the god of Japanese medicine Sukunahikona and Shennong as the god of medicine.
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