Benefits of Tea

Benefits of Tea 6 “Caffeine”

Benefits of Tea 6 “Caffeine”

Professor Yoriyuki Nakamura of the University of Shizuoka wrote the original article in Japanese, which CHAMART translated into English.

Caffeine is a type of alkaloid that has pharmacological effects, such as stimulating the central nervous system, but no narcotic effect. It is believed that caffeine is the most important component of tea which has made tea a popular favorite beverage all over the world since ancient times.  Caffeine is a silky white crystal with a bitter taste and is thought to have a considerable influence on the taste of tea.

There are more than 60 plants that contain caffeine. Other favorite beverages that contain caffeine other than tea (2.5-5.5%) are coffee (1-2%), cocoa (0.3%, theobromine 1%), cola (1-2%) and yerba mate (0.2-2%).
*The % in is the percentage of caffeine in each beverage.

The younger the tea buds are, and the closer the leaves are to the bud, the more caffeine they contain. Therefore, the younger and more tender the buds are, the higher the caffeine content in tea. Also, caffeine levels increase if tea leaves are cultivated by blocking sunlight. The tea gardens of gyokuro are covered with mats for 2 or 3 weeks to block sunlight before picking the tea leaves, and the tea leaves are very soft. As a result, gyokuro contains a lot of caffeine.

Cold-brewed gyokuro

Caffeine has stimulating effects, such as a cardiac-intensifying, cerebral stimulation and diuretic effects, so drinking Gyokuro or high-quality Sencha may make you excited and unable to sleep.
Therefore, recently low-caffeine tea has been developed, taking advantage of the characteristic that caffeine dissolves more easily in hot water than other components.

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Writer’s Profile
Yoriyuki Nakamura
Specially-appointed professor, Director of the Tea Science Center, University of Shizuoka
Awards and commendations
2016 Awarded as Japanese Tea Industry Achievement Award: Popularization of tea varieties and pot seedling cultivation techniques
2015 Awarded as O-CHA Pioneer Award of academic research section: Tea breeding technology and Variety development
2013 Awarded as Tea Industry Technology Merit Award: Efforts in tea industry technology
2013 Awarded as Sugiyama Hikosaburo Tea Technology Award: Developing tea variety
2013 Awarded as Tea Academic Research Award: Tea breeding and tea propagation technology

Related article on the site:
Benefits of Tea 1 “Tea has long been a powerful elixir with abundant benefits!”
Benefits of Tea 2 “Functional ingredient of Tea”
Benefits of Tea 3 “Major components of tea”
Benefits of Tea 4 “Catechins”
Benefits of Tea 5 “Amino acids”
Benefits of Tea 6 “Caffeine”
Benefits of Tea 7 “Vitamins”