Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) related to tea

GIAHS related to Tea in the world

Since 2005, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) certified 72 Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in 23 countries as of November 2022.
There are 5 Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems related tea in the world.
15 new proposals are being applied from 7 different countries and one of them is Anxi Tieguanyin Tea Culture System. 

GIAHS related to Tea
2012 Pu’er Traditional Tea Agrosystem (China)
2013 Traditional Tea-grass Integrated System in Shizuoka (Shizuoka’s CHAGUSABA farming method) (Japan)
2014 Jasmine and Tea Culture System of Fuzhou City
2017 Traditional Hadong Tea Agrosystem in Hwagae-myeon (South Korea)
2022 Anxi Tieguanyin Tea Culture System

2015 Takachihogo-Shiibayama Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry System

Women are picking tea leaves in in Hwagae (May 2023)

UNESCO’s World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage related to Tea
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) encourages the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity and registers them as World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage.
World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage related to tea are also registered.

Xifu Longjing tea in Longjing Village, Hangzhou City, China (May 2017)

World Heritage
2023 Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain in Pu’er 普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观
Intangible Cultural Heritage
2022 Traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China 中国传统制茶技艺及其相关习俗
2022 Culture of Çay (tea), a symbol of identity, hospitality and social interaction (Azerbaijan and Turkey)

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
Les Systèmes ingénieux du patrimoine agricole mondial (SIPAM)
Системы сельскохозяйственного наследия мирового значения (ГИАХС)
El Sistema de Patrimonio Agrícola de Importancia Mundial (SIPAM)
نظم التراث الزراعي ذات الأهمية العالمية
Anxi Tieguanyin Tea Culture System
FAO駐日連絡事務所 Liaison Office in Japan
農林水産省HP、世界農業遺産Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GHIAS)

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
World Heritage Convention

Intangible Cultural Heritage
Traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China
Culture of Çay (tea), a symbol of identity, hospitality and social interaction