Tea production area: Mochigase Town, Yonago City, Chizu Town
Brand: Mochigase Tea, Daisen Tea, Chizu tea
Types of tea: Sencha (medium steamed green tea), hojicha (roasted green tea), black tea, bancha, matcha, flavored tea, etc.
Mochigase tea
Tea cultivation began in Mochigase Town during the Edo Period and the town became a famous tea production area in Tottori. However, only a few tea farmers are there presently.
Tea fields of Misumien in Mochigase Town (September 2019)
Sencha of Mochigase tea has moderate bitterness and astringency and also has a sharp taste.
Mochigase tea is sold at the JA Agri shop, Michinoeki Mochigase and can be taken at the café, Kawano Hotori Mochigase.
Mochigase tea at the café Kawano hotori Mochigase
Mochigase tea at JA Tottori Inaba Aguri shop Yumesaikan (August 2019)
Mochigase’s hojicha (August 2019)
Daisen tea
Tea is cultivated at the foot of Mt. Daisen which has an altitude of 1729 meters and from it sencha, hojicha and black tea is produced.
Tottori is a pear production area and Nijuseikinashi is particularly famous as a pear brand. There is a flavored tea which is blended with Daisen black tea and chipped dried Nijuseikinashi pear. The tea has a faint sweetness, and has no aroma chemical added.
Nagatasaten’s black tea using the pear of Nijuseikinashi
Hiboshi bancha
In Chizu Town, tea was previously cultivated and hiboshi (sun-dried) bancha produced for private use. However, because of tea farmers aging and the shortage of successors, the volume of production is decreasing.
Tea was also previously cultivated and produced for private use in Shikano Town, Tottori City.
Tea related facilities:
JA鳥取いなば アグリショップ夢菜館
Ceramic and pottery art:
松下智 (平成3年) 日本名茶紀行 (初版) 雄山閣出版
高野實、谷本陽蔵、富田勲、中川致之、岩浅潔、寺元益英、山田新市 執筆 (社)日本茶業中央会監修 (2005) 緑茶の事典 改定3版 柴田書店
*When visiting the shops and facilities introduced in this article, please check the business hours on their website, etc. before visiting.
*The information provided on this site may be updated. If you find any information in this article that is incorrect, new, or incomplete, please contact CHAMART.
*The site does not describe all “Teas of Japan” or all “Teas of the World”. Additionally, each article expresses the writer’s personal experience and feelings.