Tea production area: Tsuruoka City
Brand name of tea: Shonaisan tea
Types of tea: Sencha (medium steamed green tea), blacktea and oolong tea
During the Edo period, Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture was the home ground of Shonai Domain. When the new government army and the old shogunate army fought in the Boshin War of 1868, Shonai Domain was on the side of the old shogunate army, but the new government army won.
After the Meiji Restoration, the former retainers of Shonai Domain lost their jobs due to the abolition of the domain system. Waste land was then cultivated to create mulberry fields for starting sericulture in Tsuruoka City. The place used for growing silkworms was called Matsugaoka Kaikonjyo. The sericulture business contributed to the local industry. At that time, Japan’s major exports were raw silk and Japanese tea. Therefore, tea cultivation was also attempted at Matsugaoka Kaikonjyo. However, the climate did not suit tea growth in Tsuruoka City, an area where there is heavy snowfall.
Citizen volunteers cultivate and produce tea
A citizen volunteer group has been cultivating and producing tea at Matsugaoka Kaikonjyo since 2010. The name of the group is “松ヶ岡茶nomi隊 (Matsugaoka Chanomi tai). The members manage the 2,000-square-meter tea garden by picking tea leaves, weeding, and covering tea plants in winter. They produce black tea and oolong tea by hand and are trying to make sencha as well. They have been assisted in cultivating and making tea by other tea-related organizations in Saitama Prefecture.
Tea garden which is covered with protective materials against cold or snow.
Skiffing dead tea branches (a type of pruning)(April 2021)
Photos provided by 松ヶ岡茶nomi隊
Mowing work by Matsugaoka chanomitai (June 2021)
Photo provided by 「松ヶ岡茶nomi隊」
Hand rolled tea (black tea and oolong tea)(July 2020)
Photo provided by「松ヶ岡茶nomi隊」
*This article was written with the consent of “松ヶ岡茶nomi隊”, referring to the articles from their Facebook page and photos provided by them.
Related article on the site:
Tea related facility:
Yuru-Chara (mascot character) related tea:
Ceramic and pottery art: Hiraizumi ware and Goten ware
Facebook 松ヶ岡庄内藩士による開墾地
羽黒町観光協会 松ヶ岡開墾場
山形県 松ヶ岡開墾場
平成28年4月号つるおか羽黒版 松ヶ岡文化講演会〜松ヶ岡をお茶作りの里へ〜
五味文彦・鳥海靖編 (2009年)もういちど読む山川日本史 (1版) 山川出版社
松下智 (平成3年) 日本名茶紀行 (初版) 雄山閣出版
*The information provided on this site may be updated. If you find any information in this article that is incorrect, new, or incomplete, please contact CHAMART.
*The site does not describe all “Teas of Japan” or all “Teas of the World”. Additionally, each article expresses the writer’s personal experience and feelings.
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