Green tea Others
East Asia
Fuzhou Jasmine tea 福州茉莉花茶 (China)
Tea is classified into six categories: green tea, white tea, yellow tea, blue tea (oolong tea), black tea, and dark tea. This site introduces the various teas that CHAMART has sampled.
Flavored tea
Fuzhou Jasmine tea 福州茉莉花茶 (Fuzhou Molihuacha):
There are many kinds of jasmine flowers in the world.
Jasmine tea is a flavored tea which is absorbed the fragrance of one of the jasmine flowers with green tea or white tea. Mainly Jasmine tea is produced using green tea.
Production area: Fuzhou Province, China
Flavor: The tea has a fragrance of Jasmine flowers and a clean taste.
Jasmine flowers at Wulongjiang Wetland Park (October 2019)
Tea fields in Fuzhou City (October 2019)
A Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System
Clean water is necessary for the cultivation of jasmine. In Fuzhou, jasmine is grown mainly in wetlands and riversides. The wetlands where jasmine is cultivated are inhabited by a wide variety of organisms, including species unique to Fuzhou, and are natural feeding grounds for animals and migratory birds.
Jasmine grows near rivers and helps to prevent a large amount of rainwater from flowing into the river at once, such as during heavy rains. In addition, the tea plantations are located on the slope of the mountain, and tea trees cultivated there help prevent soil erosion and landslides.
The production of jasmine tea is one of the main industries contributing to the economy of the region.
Because of those reasons, Jasmine and Tea Culture System of Fuzhou City was recognized as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System in 2014.
Chunlun-mingcha’s jasmine tea (October 2019)
There is the 福州茉莉花茶文化馆 (Fuzhou Molihuacha culture center) in Sanfang Qixiang, Fuzhou City. Old instruments for making Jasmin tea are displayed there.
福州茉莉花茶文化馆 (Fuzhou Molihuacha culture center) (October 2019)
Related article on the site: “Tea of China“ “Jasmine and Tea Culture System of Fuzhou City”
工藤佳治、兪向紅 著 中国茶図鑑(2017) 第6版発行 文春新書
工藤佳治主編者(2007) 中国茶事典(初版) 勉誠出版
*The site does not describe all “Teas of Japan” or all “Teas of the World”. Additionally, each article expresses the writer’s personal experience and feelings.
*The information provided on this site may be updated. If you find any information in this article that is incorrect, new, or incomplete, please contact CHAMART.