Dark tea
Southeast Asia ・Oceania
Laphetso (Myanmar)
Tea is classified into six categories: green tea, white tea, yellow tea, blue tea (oolong tea), black tea, and dark tea. This site introduces the various teas that CHAMART has sampled.
Dark tea
Post-fermented tea
Production area: Myanmar
Lahpetso is fermented pickled tea and Lahpetso salad is a favorite national dish.
Laphetso at a market in Mandalay (April 2012)
Photo provided by チャイ専門店 茶窓
Salad with Laphetso at a Burmese restaurant Nong-inlay in Tokyo, Japan (September 2019)
Laphetso at Fuji Myanmar store in Tokyo, Japan (September 2019)
松下智(平成10年) 茶の民族誌ー製茶文化の源流 初版第一刷 雄山閣出版
中村羊一郎著(平成29年)中村羊一郎のお茶しませんか 羽衣出版
大森正司、阿南豊正、伊勢村護、加藤みゆき、滝口明子、中村羊一郎編(2017) 茶の事典 初版第一刷 朝倉書店
高野實・谷本陽蔵・富田勲・中川致之・岩浅潔・寺元益英・山田新市 執筆 (社)日本茶業中央会監修 (2005) 緑茶の事典 改定3版 柴田書店
ミャンマー料理のお店ノングインレイ NONG INLAY
チャイ専門店 茶窓
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Market system analysis – Myanmar, Brewing opportunity—ed_emp/documents/publication/wcms_704360.pdf
*The site does not describe all “Teas of Japan” or all “Teas of the World”. Additionally, each article expresses the writer’s personal experience and feelings.
*The information provided on this site may be updated. If you find any information in this article that is incorrect, new, or incomplete, please contact CHAMART.