Tea Recipes

Christmas Lunch with Japanese tea


CHAMART introduces tea recipes, but this recipe has not been verified by a third party. Thus, please use the recipe as a reference.

CHAMART introduces Christmas lunch recipes using Japanese tea.
These are easy recipes that use consommé cubes and pie dough you can buy at a supermarket.

Pre-lunch tea
Fukamushicha (deep-steamed green tea)

Tea to accompany lunch
Sannen-bancha (three-year aged tea)

Caprese with Tea leaf sauce and Tofu
Caprese with used Fukamushicha tea leaf and Tofu
French onion soup with Sannen-bancha

Main dish
Beef and pork mince pie with Fukamushicha used tea leaf
Mint Hojicha jelly

 Hojicha (roasted green tea) chocolate cake
Matcha white chocolate cake

Post-lunch tea
Espresso-style Hojicha

Pre-lunch tea Fukamushicha (deep-steamed green tea)
Tea to accompany lunch Sannen-bancha (three-year aged tea)
Sannen-bancha has less caffeine than Sencha or Fukamushicha, and the taste is lighter. It goes well with oily dishes.

Left: 3-year aged bancha, Right: Fukamushicha

Caprese with Tea leaf sauce and Tofu
Click here for the Recipe
Caprese with used Fukamushicha tea leaf and Tofu
Click here for the Recipe

French onion soup using Sannen-bancha (three-year aged bancha)
Click here for the Recipe

Main dish
Beef and pork mince pie using Fukamushicha used tea leaf
Click here for the Recipe

Mint Hojicha jelly
Click here for the Recipe

Hojicha (roasted green tea) chocolate cake
Click here for the Recipe

Matcha white chocolate cake

Post-lunch tea
Espresso-style Hojicha
Click here for the Recipe

*Cooking temperature and time may vary depending on the oven model and its age. The oven temperatures and times mentioned in this article are only a guide, so please adjust the temperature and time settings to match your specific oven and avoid overcooking or undercooking the food.

*Tea leaves contain caffeine. The diuretic, stimulant and anticancer effects of caffeine intake are clinically recognized. On the other hand, excessive intake of caffeine may have a damaging effect on health. Especially, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and children should be careful with the amount of caffeine they intake.

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高野實、谷本陽蔵、富田勲、中川致之、岩浅潔、寺本益英、山田新市 (2005) 緑茶の事典 改訂3版 柴田書店